15 Jul

Most people are probably not aware that the auto transport industry is actually very seasonal. Understandably, you might think it’s the same way a price remains the same when using the postal service, that the auto transportation industry would be the same. However, in fact, auto transportation services actually take into account quite a few factors before they decide on their pricing for various seasons. The main consideration is when the vehicle is shipped, during a particular season drivers will have certain weather conditions to deal with.

When a person wants to transport their vehicle, it is usually something that is required to be done straight away. For instance, if you're moving home for the summer, are you going to wait 6 months until the auto transportation prices are more suitable or you? In most cases, people cannot or, will not want to wait for prices to drop and therefore want their vehicles delivered when requested. If you're planning to transport your vehicle at some point in the future, getting an understanding of how the industry works will allow you to plan, and make a more informed decision as to when to arrange your request.

Summer Will Generally Be More Expensive to Ship Cars

The summer months, understandably, is when most people choose to transport their vehicle(s). Yet, this does not mean prices will be cheaper. Despite there being a large number of shipping companies to choose from and the competitiveness of the industry, prices in the summer (at least on the more popular routes) are more expensive. The main reason for this is the influx in business allows companies and their auto-transportation trucks to cherry-pick their loads. They can essentially sell the spots on their trucks to the highest bidders who are desperate to get their vehicles delivered on time. If you're not prepared to pay the premium price of others, you risk being picked up by a carrier.

Additionally, auto transportation companies make the most of the busier and more lucrative summer months to help cover the slower winter months. The additional money they can make during the summer will offset against the reduced income they see throughout the colder months.

Winter Will Be Cheaper But, Slower on Most Occasions

Everything slows down during the winter months as customers tend to return from their vacation and refrain from moving or relocating in the winter months. This leaves the auto transportation companies with no choice but to lower prices to keep up with their competition.

Rather than high demand and cherry picking loads, companies now have to compete with each other just to fill their trucks. The longer the winter goes on, the more desperate some companies get to ensure that they are not sending trucks from state to state that are not at full capacity. Depending on the route there can be higher prices in some circumstances, particularly when treacherous snow is involved. Snow and ice can delay delivery times due to roads needing plowing and cleaning, while there are safety risks to consider as well. This means in some cases, you might still pay higher premiums to transport your vehicle simply because carriers increase rates for the risk involved while driving on the road.

Also be aware late or delayed deliveries can be commonplace in the winter as well. The weather conditions mentioned above can cause all sorts of logistical problems, so you should not be surprised if you’re delivery is delayed.

As you can see, transporting your vehicle from state-to-state is not as straightforward as you might have expected. There is a lot more behind the scenes other than just strapping your vehicle onto the trailer and sending it off to be delivered. The best thing you can do when planning to transport your vehicle is to speak to your representative first, so you get the general idea of how much it is going to cost you to transport your vehicle. With multiple carriers, different routes, and of course the inclement weather to consider, the prices that you receive will vary quite a bit depending on the circumstances. The key is to find the best rate that suits you and not necessarily the cheapest.

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