11 Sep

Your family is the most important part of your life and making sure they are safe. Your home and vehicle(s) are your shelter and use for transportation. During hurricane season we need to be prepared and safe before, during and after a hurricane.

Before a Hurricane - Most areas are warned prior to a hurricane and gives us time to purchase gas and check the battery.

Check all fluid levels, the tire pressure and test your windshield wipers.

Take photos of the interior and exterior of your vehicle and provide to your insurance company if reporting a claim after the storm.  Place all documentation in a plastic ziploc bag or waterproof container.

Prepare an emergency bag which should include water, food, clothing, flashlight, charger, map and first aid kit.

During a Hurricane - Park your vehicle facing out of your driveway, close all windows and sun roof.

If your vehicle is parked in a garage, remove items from the shelf or above the vehicle to avoid damage.

If you don't have a garage, park the vehicle away from large trees, utility poles and locate the highest ground available.

After a Hurricane - Assess any damage to your vehicle and take photos to provide a before and after picture to your insurance company.

If you need to drive your vehicle avoid flooded areas or bridges.

Be careful of the surrounding area and keep a watch for falling trees, downed power lines.

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